Miracle Thibbun Nabawi
Title: Miracle Thibun Nabawi. Scientific evidence and the Secret Healing in Medicine Method Nabawi
Date: 25 Robi'ul Tsani 1427 / May 25, 2006
Author: Ayman bin 'Abdul Fattah
Category: Medicine, Medicine, Herbal, Fiqh
Publisher: Al-Qowam
Pp: 350
Description: Translation
"Seek medical treatment, O slaves of Alloh, because Alloh not decrease unless the disease is also creating the medicine, except for one disease, namely old." (Narrated by Ahmad)
All forms of treatment that had been taught by the Prophet is described in detail in this important book. Magical and amazing! Modern medicine would be amazed and admitted to duck under the scientific data available about the wonders of treatment methods Nabawi (Thibbun Nabawi). Various scientific research and medical and laboratory examination has proved a real about it.
Medical Nabawi (Thibbun Nabawy) becomes an alternative treatment of religious nuance that began much in demand. Because with the least cost is used, this treatment has successfully cured many chronic diseases that usually only be cured with medical costs very high. Treatment methods with a bruise, honey, Habbatus brothers', olive oil, kam'ah, itsmid, talbinah, qusthul bahri, and others as part of the treatment appeared Nabawi existence as a panacea to cure all kinds of diseases, but diseases of age, with permission Alloh.
This book discusses about the method of treatment Nabawi, from the theory and practice. It also included the recognition and the results of medical examinations of the patients who have been treated with the method of treatment Nabawi. Even at the end of the discussion is also presented on 59 types of disease and prescribe treatment, so this book really is amazing and it is important for all human owned by a want to be healthy in life.
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