The modern life could be was it was said identical to entertainment. The electronic media and printed produced him in a masif manner in daily we. Various ceremonial then almost had not been quiet from the entertainment spice, both the wedding, the birthday, the national public holiday warning, the public holiday of piety, and the change night in the year. The year. The priest Al-Ghazali, in Ihya Ulumuddin, regarded entertainment as the requirement that adhered in disposition to humankind. Therefore, natural when being permitted in the Islam teaching. Moreover, in the Rasulullah SAW time, when Abu Bakar RA reprimanded two the assistant women who sang in the Aisyah RA house on the Lebaran day, Rasulullah returned reprimanded Abu Bakar, Biarkanlah they, hi Abu Bakar, because now was Lebaran. An. (HR Bukhari and Muslim). M.). In the other story, the Prophet SAW sent his reason, So that Jews knew that in our religion was gotten by the concession. An. (HR Ahmad). D). Once also Rasulullah SAW reprimanded the party mempelai the woman who was heading the house mempelai the man. This party appeared quiet, without the accompaniment of the song or other entertainment. Then, he spoke